Buying a computer
Question 1: Do you need a laptop?
Question 2: What laptop do you need?
Question 3: If you already have a laptop, should you invest in a new one?
The most efficient way to answer these questions is to network with students already at your college and ask them what to think. I know kids who do not own their own laptops and login to the college computers ( available in the public libraries of most campuses) every time they need to turn in an assignment, do assignments, or to look something up. It's definitely doable.
But if you are thinking of buying a laptop, first you need to think about what your priorities are in a computer. Do you require a lot of memory? Need to run specific apps? Is portability essential? Will you use it to stream entertainment? No matter what your requirements are, it’s important to consider a variety of factors when purchasing any big-ticket item, plus it’s important to know the best time to buy anything. I hope the resources linked below help you.
Which laptop to buy is a very personal decision and its important to weigh your priorities. I would say a MacBook is "Form over Function" - easy to use, aesthetic, but not the best computing power. If you're pursuing an engineering/ CS degree you'll definitely find better alternatives.
When it comes to timing, there is no right answer. Buying the laptop in the US has advantages - the charger they provide will be for the US sockets, no need for an adaptor, and customer service might be easier to access. It's possibly more convenient to buy all your requirements before the Semester starts, however as you explore the below resources you'll find out the impact that purchase timing has on prices.